
Donate Now to Ensure the Future of Nantucket Sound!

Every dollar counts! We depend entirely on private donations, which are 100% tax-deductible. With continued funding from existing donors and new supporters, the Alliance will be able to permanently preserve the resources of Nantucket Sound through federal legislation to designate the Sound as a National Historic Landmark (NHL).

There are other ways you can help in supporting our efforts to protect Nantucket Sound. You can:

Join our email list to keep up with updates and events from the Alliance.

Sign our online petition, letting local representatives know that you support NHL designation for Nantucket Sound.

Voice your opinion, and write your own opinion piece or commentary to the newspaper of your choice and/or local representatives.

If you would like us to speak at your organization’s upcoming event or gathering, please email Peter Eramo at We are always happy to inform our community of the work that we do and the current status of Nantucket Sound.

Please make your tax-deductible donation to our organization.
Our tax ID number is 10-0008105.

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By Check

Save Our Sound
4 Barnstable Road
Hyannis, MA 02601

With Gift of Stock

Call our office at 508-775-9767.


Fill out the form online

By Venmo
(use the QR code)

Support Save Our Sound